
What type of grant recipients are you currently looking for?

We seek to partner with not for profits, emerging not for profits or social enterprises who seek to seek to advance equality, primarily in the Australia, South East Asian or the Pacific.

What is the grant application process?

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When is the grant application period?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu augue eu diam ultricies consequat. Aenean finibus blandit volutpat. Curabitur eros diam, tempor vitae nunc sed, mollis feugiat elit.

When will the grant be announced and awarded?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu augue eu diam ultricies consequat. Aenean finibus blandit volutpat. Curabitur eros diam, tempor vitae nunc sed, mollis feugiat elit.

What grants have you given in the past?

Bev Barlow established a multi-million-dollar corpus that kickstarted the Barlow Foundation in 2014, and guaranteed its future impact by bequeathing further funding. Between 2014-2019 the Barlow Foundation delivered grants to charitable organisations that fostered self-reliance and self-empowerment in women and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. During this period the Barlow Foundation granted more than $4.3 million to more than 30 not for profit organisations and invested quadruple that in social change makers. Historically, The Barlow Foundation’s grants focused on reducing inequality via education (60%), economic empowerment (31%), law and justice (2%) and other/ discretionary (7%). The Barlow Foundation invested in: social justice reform; building hospitals and green buildings; education apps and access to low cost medicines and financial services.

How do you measure impact and success?

We measure our impact in grants and investment against the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Impact Management Project framework.